You Wouldn’t Want to Be A Viking Explorer Questions by Tinker’s Thinkers – questions about the book with the same name.Viking Exploration of North America by Ami Alvis.Me and the Vikings Venn Diagram by Heather Carlsen.Viking Lapbook from Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus.Viking Adventure Lapbook from Homeschool Share.Vikings Lesson Plan from Historica Canada– students view “ Heritage Minute, Vikings” and then use criticial thinking skills to discuss how the Vikings and First Nations people are portrayed in the video.Vikings Co-op Lessons from HighHill Homeschool – what one group did week by week to teach their kids about vikings.

Includes Leif Ericsson, discovering how they are misunderstood, their contributions to history, sagas, and more. Viking Lesson Plans from CoreKnowledge – PDF lessons about the Vikings, mostly for 3rd grade.The Vikings from PBS.org – Lessons and resources.Primary History: The Vikings from BBC – lessons, activities and games about the vikings, including teacher resources.